Criminal Defense Lawyers In Boston, MA
Serving Boston, Worcester, Framingham, Brockton, Quincy and all of MA
Leon Davis Criminal Defense Law Firm Boston MA

Probation Violation Case Results Boston MA

Your best probation violation defense lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts, is ready to fight for you. Skilled criminal defense attorneys at Leon & Davis have a strong record of success representing clients accused of violating probation.

Probation Violation Defense Case Results

by Leon & Davis Criminal Defense Lawyers

August 2015

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Dismissed. Client was on probation for domestic assault and battery, assault with a dangerous weapon, malicious destruction of property, and possession with intent to distribute cocaine. His probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation of probation and sentenced to the house of correction because he had not complied with the terms of his probation and had been accused of new criminal conduct. Attorney Leon persuaded a judge that client had not violated his probation because his noncompliance with his conditions was not willful and the evidence was insufficient to prove that he had committed a new crime while on probation. The judge terminated his probation and dismissed the case.

April 2015

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Dismissed. Client was on probation for larceny from a person and larceny over $250 from a person over 60 and disabled. His probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation and sentenced to the house of correction because he had not complied with the terms of probation and had been charged with new criminal conduct. Attorney Leon persuaded a judge that client had not violated his probation and the judge terminated his probation and dismissed the case.

March 2015

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Dismissed. Client was on probation for cocaine distribution and possession with intent to distribute cocaine. His probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation of probation and sentenced to the house of correction because he had not complied with the terms of probation and had a warrant issued for his arrest. Attorney Leon persuaded a judge that client had not violated his probation and the judge terminated his probation and dismissed the case.

March 2015

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Dismissed. Client was on probation for drug possession. His probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation of probation and sentenced to the house of correction because he had not complied with the terms of his probation. Attorney Leon persuaded a judge that client had not violated his probation and the judge terminated his probation and dismissed the case.

January 2015

Probation Violation Hearing Withdrawn and Dismissed. Client was on probation for sexual conduct for a fee. Her probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that she be found in violation of probation and sentenced to the house of correction because she was accused of a new offense. Attorney Leon succeeded in getting the new case dismissed last week. Attorney Leon persuaded the probation officer to withdraw the violation notice and a judge then dismissed the case.

June 2014

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Dismissed. Client was on probation for larceny over $250. Her probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that she be found in violation of probation because she had not complied with any of her conditions of probation. Attorney Leon persuaded a judge that no probation violation occurred and to terminate client’s probation early. The case was dismissed.

April 2014

Probation Violation Hearing Withdrawn and Dismissed. Client was on probation for OUI-Liquor and leaving the scene of property damage after she crashed into an MBTA bus. Her probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that she be found in violation of probation because she had not completed the court-ordered 24D alcohol program despite being given numerous prior chances. Her probation had been extended on multiple prior occasions to give her time to complete the program. Attorney Leon persuaded a judge to terminate client’s probation early despite never participating in the 24D alcohol program and the case was dismissed.

October 2013

Probation Violation Hearing Withdrawn and Dismissed. Client was on probation for drug distribution. He was then charged with a new drug offense. Attorney Leon was able to get the new case dismissed; however, client’s probation officer served him with a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation of probation. Attorney Leon succeeded in convincing the probation officer to withdraw the violation notice and agree to terminate client’s probation. The violation notice was dismissed and client had his probation terminated early.

May 2013

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Dismissed. Client was on probation for Larceny Over $250 and received a violation notice from the probation department due to a subsequent arrest for larceny at a department store. The probation department sought jail time at client’s surrender hearing. They were relying on hearsay evidence from a store employee who told police that they thought client stole an expensive winter jacket. Attorney Leon persuaded the judge to find that no violation occurred because the hearsay evidence and police reports submitted by probation were insufficiently reliable to prove client had committed a subsequent crime. After the hearing, client’s probation was terminated and the case was dismissed.

December 2012

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Probation Continued. Client in the case above was also on probation for Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon, Assault and Battery, Malicious Destruction of Property, and Threats at the time he was charged in the new case. He was issued a violation notice by the probation department as a result of the charges and held without bail. Attorney Leon prepared for the probation surrender hearing and persuaded a judge that no violation of probation should be found because client was acting in lawful self-defense. Attorney Leon presented the testimony of the front desk clerk at the apartment building as well as the police reports and court records of the alleged victim. The judge agreed that client did not commit a crime and continued his probation until the original termination date.

November 2012

Probation Violation Hearing Withdrawn and Dismissed. Client was on probation for Defacing Property and was issued a violation notice after he was charged with attacking an employee at a retail store. His probation officer served him with a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation of probation. Attorney Leon was able to persuade the probation officer to withdraw the violation notice because client was acting in self-defense. Attorney Leon then convinced a judge to terminate client’s probation early and dismiss the case.

July 2012

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Case Dismissed. Client was on probation for assault and battery and larceny from a person when he was charged with a new felony offense. Attorney Leon persuaded the judge that the evidence supporting the new offense was insufficient to prove that client had committed a new crime while on probation. The judge decided that client had not violated his probation and terminated probation early. The case was then dismissed.

April 2012

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Case. Client was on probation for breaking and entering and larceny over $250 when he was charged with another breaking and entering. His probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation of probation and sentenced to the house of correction. Attorney Leon persuaded the judge that the evidence supporting the new offense was insufficient to prove that client had committed a new crime while on probation. The judge decided that client had not violated his probation and the case was dismissed.

March 2012

Probation Violation Hearing Withdrawn and Probation Continued. Client was on probation for multiple counts of lewd, wanton, and lascivious conduct. His probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation of probation because had not complied with any of his conditions of probation. Attorney Leon obtained documentation from client’s case manager and his medical records showing that client had been off of his medication during the period of noncompliance. The medical records also showed that client was now back in compliance with his medication and treatment. Attorney Leon then persuaded the probation officer to withdraw the notice of violation and agree to have probation continued.

March 2012

Probation Violation Hearing No Violation Found and Case Dismissed. Client was on probation for domestic assault and battery. His probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that he be found in violation of probation. Client reported to probation regularly and had not reoffended; however, he had not completed the batterer’s program or any other conditions of probation. Attorney Leon worked with client to get him set up with a psychiatrist to address his mental health issues and write a letter to probation explaining that client did not require additional treatment. He also obtained letters from client’s employers and documented his work history. Attorney Leon persuaded a judge to terminate client’s probation early and the case was dismissed.

February 2012

Probation Violation Hearing Probation Terminated and Case Dismissed. Client was on probation for cocaine possession. Her probation officer issued a probation violation notice asking that she be found in violation of probation and sentenced to the house of correction because she never appeared for mandatory drug testing and never completed a court-ordered drug program. Client was placed on probation in 2002 and walked into court 10 years later after defaulting on her initial probation violation hearing date. Attorney Leon persuaded a judge to terminate client’s probation despite her lack of compliance and the case was dismissed.